Twilight by Stephanie Meyer is a book you have to buy. The biggest reason is that you simply can't check it out at the library because so many teens are requesting it. It is more than the typical girl meets boy and falls for him kind of teen romance. Meyer puts a vampire twist on the Shakespeare star-crossed lovers tale.
Bella sees him first in the cafeteria in her new school in the ever rain-soaked town of Forks, Washington, where she has just moved to live with her father, the sheriff. Edward looks so different from the other boys that she is fascinated, even though his standoffish nature would make it seem that he doesn't like her at all. Like Romeo and Juliet, each teen has other people in their lives who would rather the pair not get involved. Their real problem is that just being in each other's company is driving them both to the edge of a cliff that could prove deadly for both. When danger suddenly comes after Bella, Edward and his whole family must work together to save her.
The story moves at a teen pace, often painfully slow, and at other times, fast as lightning. The better part of the book is concerned with introducing the teens, the others around them and their budding romance. The action doesn't really heat up until a baseball game in the mountains introduces a wild card element into the tale.
This is the first book in a four book series, now completed, with a movie opeing soon. Twilight masquerades are popping up in bookstores and libraries nationwide as teens and adults both clamor for Meyer's vampire love story.